Finding Better Auto Service

Tips For Fixing Stone Chips In Your Windshield

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Do you have a stone chip in your windshield that you want to repair? It may be right in your field of vision, or you simply want to fix it so that the chip doesn’t turn into damage that is much bigger. Here are some tips for how you can fix a stone chip on your own using a DIY kit.  Clean Out The Chip Start by cleaning out the chip with a push pin, which may come with your kit already. Read More»

4 Signs Of A Failing Car AC

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A properly working air conditioner is a must for summer comfort when driving. Unfortunately, auto ACs can fail, but the good news is that most problems can be quickly diagnosed and repaired.  1. Weak Cooling The most obvious sign of a failing AC is weak cooling. The air may fail to get down to the coolness you expect from the temperature setting, or it may fail completely and only blow hot air. Read More»

Interested In Keeping Your Older Car In Top Condition? 3 Important Auto Maintenance Tips

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If you own an older car that you drive frequently, you probably have some concerns about the length of time it can continue to offer you reliable transportation. While the mechanical components of your car can break or experience wear, drivers who have good car maintenance habits will be better able to keep their older car running reliably than those who do not.  Drivers who want to help their older car operated dependably for as long as possible can use the following auto maintenance tips to help reduce wear and improve performance. Read More»

Don't Wait For A Dead Battery To Buy A Replacement!

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Your car’s battery serves two essential roles in your charging system. You’re probably aware that you need your battery to start your engine, but it also acts as a giant capacitor. Your alternator provides the charge, but your car’s various electrical accessories run directly from the battery. This design ensures a smooth 12-volt power supply unaffected by engine RPM or other mechanical factors. As a result, a dead battery will do more than just leave you stranded. Read More»

4 Reasons to Repair a Damaged Tire

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When money is tight, it can feel like you need to reduce expenses wherever you can. But, unfortunately, ignoring a damaged tire can become an even more costly and potentially dangerous mistake. If you’ve been driving on a tire that’s consistently losing pressure or showing other signs of trouble, then repairing it as soon as possible is critical to keep your vehicle operating safely. If the repair cost still seems too high, then consider these four reasons why ignoring a repair can potentially be a much more expensive decision. Read More»